Tap Gets Tan. The wedding of one of my longest friends Jay Tapanainen and his amazing wife Rachel Tan in beautiful Sayulita Mexico. Had to leave the wife and kids behind so it was an OG Wallen family vacation. Mom, Dad, Ben and Pat. My parents got the most epic place on the hill with a view to die for. Amazing rooms and a great feeling to it all.
The wedding was magical. A view that would make your head spin. The totally Jay and Rachel style ceremony was one ill never forget. Nor the dance party before the wedding even began and the “crazy Philippinos” were the life of the party. Adonis also crushing a surprise musical performance. Jon floating around chatting and living up everyone with his distinctive and unforgettable laugh. Joanie bopping around giving loads of kisses and hugs to everyone. There wasn’t a person there not flying high on life and love. It was just so perfect.
I shared a crowd with some of my oldest friends Goode, Spud, and Jimbo. While Drake was not with us in the physical form, he was there in spirit through us and his mom. Sadly, as life has it, people drift. Usually due to location or conflict. I had not planned but hoped to live like old times. And found myself apologizing for past misdeeds and tried to mend some damage I had caused with some of them. I guess what better time to try and clean out some internal remorse, than after a few shots of tequila and dancing surrounded by joy and love.
I’ve come to realize in my life I can be a good friend when there. But I’m terrible about reaching out, calling, emailing, staying in touch and so much more. With all the tools and technology i support to link people, events, courses, etc., making it a mastery of my professional skill set, I find myself unable to link with those I care of the most. How odd that is.
Never the less it was wonderful to catch up with everyone there. To share in the joy and love of Jay and Rach. I just wish I had drank a bit less and that would have caused me to maybe cry a bit less. But I left Sayulita with hopes of brighter future. Because it’s only when we acknowledge our faults, can we hope to try and change or at least better ourselves.